C2f03a33 21f5 47fa B4bb 156362a2f239 10016. Click advance and change the owner to administrators. Enable dcom permissions for a.

Go to hkey_classes_root \ clsid \ *clsid*. Hide distributedcom event id 10016 from event viewer.
Hide Distributedcom Event Id 10016 From Event Viewer.
Follow the below steps to fix this issue:
Go To Hkey_Classes_Root \ Clsid \ *Clsid*.
Delete values in windows registry.
So, In Our Case We Will Go To.
Images References :
Go To Hkey_Classes_Root \ Clsid \ *Clsid*.
These 10016 events are recorded when microsoft components try to access dcom components without the required permissions.
Click Advance And Change The Owner To Administrators.
Follow the below steps to fix this issue:
So, In Our Case We Will Go To.